Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What does meditation do for you?

Meditation is quite the joy! Yes, once you get past the initial mastering of the self, thoughts and blockages, its a sweet ride.

Meditation has done a lot for me. Thanks to anon nature, I can frankly tell you I was quite a distraught fella, burdened and hopeless with no life: social or otherwise.

Meditation opened up blocked chakras, re-energized the inner being through union of Kundalini and Spirit and stopped the buzz of the brain.

Meditation brought humility of some good measure. Ability to understand and feel others. Ability to accept and be peaceful with belligerent people. Loosen up and see the humor behind it all.

Meditation has done quite it's bit my transforming me and there is a long path to go before everything's close to perfection. But the joy should come from the start.

Here is a good place to start, from the heart:



Also, see this blog post on "Anger control via Pranayama"

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