Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I desire to know effectiveness of Kozmic Energy Treatment for pain relief and its authentic source in India?

Hi, during my initial years learning various alternative healing treatment, I did come across cosmic (kozmic) energy treatment using machines generating cosmic rays. It worked for quite a lot of people, but I kept looking for something similar which would be beyond machines and might have a more natural source.

I finally found out about Kundalini awakening, being done en masse since 1970 by a Saint of Indian Origin, now available in a handful of countries. The advantage here is that you are not paying out to transient sources of treatment but discover the instrument of healing energies within you.

Sometimes, it is possible to start feeling and activating this energy starting with some online guided meditations, but you can always go to a free meditation class/workshop, which may be close by.

Check out the guided meditation:


Read more on meditation:

On Kundalini:

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