Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Yoga??????? Ok, I would like to get rid of stress. Someone suggested yoga. However, I am NOT limber. Should I still look into it?

Yoga is union. Yoga is not just physical (Hatha) but complete union, enunciated in its 8 branches, so beautifull by Patanjali.

Anyways, on more practical terms: Yes, yoga, the union is necessary for stress relief, achieving freedom from thoughts.

Yoga is union... of what with what? Within is an arrangement since birth: Kundalini (Divine Feminine) and Atma (Spirit) which are separate and need to unite to create the joy and bliss. The fallout of this yoga/union is bliss, relief from all concerns, pains and tensions.

The Kundalini needs to traverse the path of the central channel before touching the spirit which resides in the physical heart.

One exercise, a guided meditation I can recommend is by H. H. Shri Mataji and its quite likely that at the end of this short meditation, you'll be quite blissed:

Good Day, Mate!



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